Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dr. Grace’s 7-steps

  • Overview

    Dr. BG’s 7-Steps Paleo* Gastro IQ SIBO Protocol

    1. Fermented veggies made the ancient way with organic dirt-covered vegetables, ex. kraut, kvass, kim chee, kefir, etc. Read Sandor Katz. [read post]
    2. Ancient heirloom potatoes, tubers, roots that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity) and ancient heirloom grains, legumes, lentils/dal that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity), prepared the ancient way (soaked, fermented, etc)  [read post]
    3. Soil-based probiotic 1-2 daily if not severely immune compromised (Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium butyricum, Bifidobacteria longum BB536, Lactobacillus plantarum, etc)  [read post]
    4. Three versions of ‘bionic fiber’ to heal the gut depending what your baseline composition  [read post]
  • VERSION A:  Inulin 1-2 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder to taste (I like Amazing Grass, LOL) in 2 cups water
  • VERSION B [the ‘FAT BURNING’ BIONIC VERSION]:  Inulin 1-2 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups water

If no conditions that are contraindicated (see below 5 situations):
VERSION C:  Inulin 1 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS  + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups of plenty water [+ 1 to 3 tsp variable fiber]
5. Exercise low-moderate intensity one hour daily continuously (10,000 steps) to move the gut/peristalsis and overcome broken myenteric musculo-neuro junctions  [read post]
6. Avoid allergenic foods (corn, soy, gluten/wheat, dairy, nuts, egg whites, etc). Avoid GMO products and livestock/poultry fed GMO crops (corn, soy, etc).  [read post]
7. Heal hormones and immunity — take adrenal support, liver support, antioxidants etc (I use biocurcumin and berberine to combine with anti-microbials/anti-parasitics). Adrenal care is particularly imperative for those with reactive hypoglycemia and BG crashes when they go longer than 3-4 hours between meals.  [read post]
8. If the above fail, then you have more fastidious overgrowths and require 2-3 rounds of anti-parasitics/anti-microbials/anti-fungals.  See what worked for my family and I HERE.  If the above still does not fix SIBO, then consider mercury toxicity. Mercury saturates and kills microvilli in the small intestines and also disables enzymes including digestive enzymes.
(*hominids ate SGG small grass grains in the Paleo times fyi ~see Middle to Late Paleolithic: Neanderthals Consumed Grains and Legumes)


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